
Vayakhel (Ex. 35:1-38:20) – Maven

On the connection between Parashat Vayakhel and the English language

In Parashat Vayakhel, the Israelites are called upon to construct the Mishkan (tabernacle). Moses gathers the people to contribute materials and labor, reinforcing the theme of communal effort to construct this fantastic structure.

Bezalel, a key figure in the building of the Mishkan, is described as being filled with divine wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to oversee the intricate craftsmanship (Ex. 35:31). His expertise and skill are considered extraordinary, as he had the unique ability to transform raw materials into sacred objects for the Tabernacle.

Bezalel was a real maven. The word "maven" comes from Yiddish, referring to someone who is an expert or connoisseur in a particular field. It is derived from the Hebrew word mayvin (מבין), meaning “one who understands”. Just as talented Betzalel demonstrated mastery in his work, a maven is recognized for deep expertise in their field.

Today, “maven” is commonly used in English to describe individuals who have extensive knowledge in areas such as fashion, language, technology, or business, indicating its widespread appeal and use in modern language.

In conclusion:

Do you love the English language? Are you into Yiddishkeit? Do you want to make a change? Contact Herzog Academic College to learn more about becoming an English teacher
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